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We appreciate hearing from both consumers and service providers. If you have any comments, questions, or feedback, please get in touch. We’ll respond as soon as possible or you can call us at 1-800-908-0915.


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Join the World of Ethical Commerce Z-score®

You must be a member to Add or Rate a business.

At WhoZaGood®, our site is open to anyone-but it is not for everyone. Our commitment to integrity extends to everything we do and everyone we serve and work with.

We believe that truth lies in transparency.

In creating a service dedicated to bringing good customers and quality service providers together, it's important for our users to know that the people who provide the ratings we post are real. Also that they are offered by other customers who share a determination to make everyday business transactions not only satisfying for both clients and providers, but also examples of how we can live our lives with integrity.

Thank you for joining this movement towards ethical commerce.

Join WhoZaGood® Z-score®

Join the World of Ethical Commerce


When you see a rating or read a review on WhoZaGood®, you know it comes from someone you can trust...just like you.

Which is why we want to learn more about you. But first, we want to make it clear that while 'anonymous' is not part of our vocabulary at WhoZaGood®, 'privacy' is.

The profile you provide us with will simply ensure that the promise of integrity that we make is one that we can keep. The personal information you provide will be kept in confidence. When you submit a rating, you can decide what part of your personal information you want to publicly disclose.

We also go to great lengths to ensure integrity in our listings by assuring they are based only on legitimate consumer ratings. Remember, at WhoZaGood® there is:

  • No advertising
  • No way for a business to buy its way to the top
  • No service providers posing as reviewers

Now, let’s change the world!


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It's essential that every participant knows the importance of integrity and transparency when using our site.
